


Postby Alex on 04 05 2010 15:38

There are a few things we would like to change in the website.

Foremost the index page http://cloneball.org - it could use an image and ... I don't know ... it looks kind of boring right now.

The site menu will be changed and is connected with the game menu which will be underneath it.

I think the screen-shot and developers page are very minimal but OK otherwise.

We hope to see suggestions here from our graphic department but input from other users is as always welcome too.
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Re: Website

Postby Alex on 09 05 2010 19:08

I tried to change the colors of the smilies because they looked frayed but my image processing abilities are too limited.

@Jan - can you give it a shot?
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Re: Website

Postby Jan on 10 05 2010 09:54

Yessir! I will get my new Serialnumber today! Then i will see if i can just reinstall my creative suite or have to reinstall my OS. Anyway, i will be able to do some work this week.
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Re: Website

Postby Alex on 10 06 2010 16:01

Today I made a few color changes in forum/website.

If somebody has still issues with colors in the forum please post here.

I'm still not content with the layout (see first post) but as long as I don't get further feedback, suggestions, ... I would like to get on with game devolopment.
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Re: Website

Postby Jan on 10 06 2010 17:24

I'm really sorry about my delaying things but right now i am kind of apartment hopping. as soon as i have settled and am getting some quiet hours to spare i will gladly do some layouting! (or will getting started with converting the forum-icons to cloneball style) ;)

#regards, Jan
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Re: Website

Postby Alex on 11 06 2010 11:53

Jan wrote:I'm really sorry about my delaying things

@ project participants:

1) We all are doing this without payment in our free time. Help is appreciated but not mandatory so need to be sorry if your contributions are not continuous.

2) At the moment we are in the beginning of a complete reconstruction of cloneball ... so enough to do on various fronts and you (Jan) don't really delay others.

3) Contrary to the points above I know I like to rant when I'm getting impatient ... I'm working on that ;)
But my last post was more an update that I stop working on the website layout until I get new material/input and the question if someone has issues that need to be fixed now (like unreadable color combinations in the forum and the like).

@ Jan: Thanks for your contributions so far and again ... no need to be sorry
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