
Development Goals for 1.0

Development Goals for 1.0

Postby Christof on 20 11 2010 21:14

Here is a list of all the things we need to do before we can consider the game "done" and put the official Version 1.0 seal on it.

Items in green are already completed.

Feedback and suggestions are welcome as always.

Game mechanics
  • More granular influence on tactics
  • Endurance and exhaustion influence a clone's behavior and effectiveness
  • More detailed player equipment
  • Judges influence the game (fouls, bribes, personal bias in judgement calls)
  • Fans influence the game (team motivation, riots)
  • More stadium extensions (Security Station, Clonelab, ...)

  • Re-engineer the frontend with an MVC framework, currently Zend
  • Template system to go along with MVC, currently PHPTal
  • Publish code under FOSS license
  • Frontend should comply with web standards
  • UTF-8 supported throughout
  • Security review and testing for the whole codebase

  • League system
  • Quickstart option for newbies
  • Random name generators for team and player names
  • Multilingual support throughout (including forum and wiki)
  • A messaging system
  • Trophies for league winners, medals/achievements
  • Gussy up the presentation
  • Game integrated into website and forum layout (no more popups)
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